Sunday, May 11, 2008

Kids+Presents= A Happy Mother's Day

On Friday I went to Jaden's school for a Mother's Day tea. The kids sang to their mother's and gave them gifts that they had made. Below you will see Jaden's painting of me and the plate that he made for me. It was a great Mother's Day tea, and I will cherish that day forever!

Jaden, I loved eating cookies and drinking punch with you and the rest of the class. You were so excited about this day that you woke up at 6:00 am and said it was time to get ready for school. You don't have to be to school until 11:30. I appreciate all the thoughtful words you wrote to me (saying I weigh 96 pounds and 96 inches, I'm beautiful, I'm 32 years old, and I'm most happy when you smile). I adored your great singing voice during the kindergarten performance. What a special day it was with just me and you.

Jake got up with the kids today and let me sleep in. It was so nice not having to wake up with the kids and hurry along like we do every morning. I enjoyed sleeping in and relaxing around the house until it was time to get ready for 1:00 pm church. Honey thank you for all that you do and for the nice mother's day gift. Your the BEST!!!!!!!


Jessica said...

We had a mother's day tea too, it is so cute - I love Jaden's gift he made you, so sweet!

Julie said...

That is a fabulous piece of artwork. I hope you keep it forever!